Headquarters location
Haifa, Israel
Year founded
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Company Description

The concrete industry constitutes 8% of overall CO2 emissions world-wide. Concrete is the most common material for building structure and there is an overall consensus in the construction industry that concrete structures tend to be over-designed, from various reasons such as lack of optimization tools, tight design time schedules, lack of engineers or financial motivation to create a lean structure. All of the above leads to loss of funds for the client, high levels of CO2 emissions and friction between all stake holders that take part in designing our buildings.We provide the structural engineers with an AI-based software solution that enables them to reduce the needed concrete in their design, without changing their workflow and without any learning curve.Our solution in numbers:- Up to 15% concrete volume reduction.- Up to 15% reduction in concrete related execution costs.- Up to 50% in design time reduction.- Reducing construction emitted Co2 emission - up to 30%!